Strategic Plan
HOLLYWOOD: Where Experiences Exceed Expectations
To enhance the appeal, vitality, and well-being of the Hollywood community from the ground up.

In 2019, following the renewal of the Hollywood Entertainment District BID and the expansion of its boundaries to include the expiring Sunset & Vine BID, the Hollywood Property Owners Alliance embarked on the process of crafting a 5-year strategic plan. Through a series of community meetings, focus groups, stakeholder interviews and surveys, the Hollywood In Focus - 2019 plan was adopted.
The plan led to a rebrand under the moniker The Hollywood Partnership to reflect the organization’s expanding role in the community. It also catalyzed the establishment of Hollywood Partnership Community Trust, an affiliate 501(c)(3) organization that would leverage additional revenue sources to accelerate implementation of the plan.
A few short months later, the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and rapidly changing public health directives dramatically shifted priorities for the Hollywood community, the City of Los Angeles and the world at large. Civil unrest following the murder of George Floyd, an unarmed Black man, at the hands of Minneapolis police officers thrust Hollywood into the limelight as a stage for protests and demands for racial justice.
Setting the more ambitious tactics of the strategic plan aside, The Partnership turned its attention to meeting the critical needs of district businesses and stakeholders while adapting its own operations to new protocols.The organization also experienced a change in leadership, with the hiring of a new President & CEO and nearly complete turnover in program staff.
In 2022, emerging from the pandemic and with fresh perspective, the board and staff undertook the process of refreshing the strategic plan to address Hollywood’s new realities. Though the overarching goals of the organization remain intact, the objectives and tactics to be employed were removed, updated or added as appropriate.
Additionally, a series of guiding principles were added, cross-cutting the strategic goals and directing careful attention to cultural significance, diversity, leadership development, professional management and more in all efforts by the organizations.
The horizon of the plan was extended to 2028 – when the district will next seek a renewal vote by its stakeholders – to allow for a full five years of concerted effort by the board, committees and staff toward its implementation.
Thus, with this revised strategic plan, The Hollywood Partnership and Hollywood Partnership Community Trust recommit to the critical work of ensuring a bright future for Hollywood where experiences exceed expectations.
Click here to download “Hollywood in Focus” – the HP’s Strategic Plan