Tourism District Overlay Zone (TDOZ)

The Hollywood and Highland area is not only the epicenter of tourism in the Hollywood Entertainment District, but for the entire city of Los Angeles. For many visitors to Hollywood, it is the place where the experience begins and ends. To support great experiences, property owners in this area formed the Tourism District Overlay Zone (TDOZ), opting to pay an additional assessment to fund programs and initiatives above and beyond those provided by business improvement district and the City of LA. Due to the significantly reduces tourism levels caused by the pandemic, the TDOZ Steering Committee has opted to discontinue additional services for now, but is continuing to meet every other month to assess conditions and make decisions about resuming services.
Click here for a boundary map of the TDOZ
Tourism District Overlay Zone Steering Committee
The TDOZ Steering Committee typically meets quarterly, on the second Wednesday of the month, unless otherwise noted. Agendas and meeting materials will be posted here at least 72 hours in advance of each meeting.
Attend meetings in-person at 6922 Hollywood Blvd. or via Zoom - please see meeting packet for access details.